
一个由爱好打造的咖啡馆——101 café- FAR OFFICE



意大利人,80 后。以满分的成绩毕业于佛罗伦萨大学建筑设计专业硕士学位。2011 年加入 ARCHEA 公司,2012 年随公司项目到北京分部,2014 年完成湖南了“醴陵陶瓷艺术城”项目后,在长沙创立了 Far Office意维设计工作室,2015 年,开始担任湖南大学建筑系教授。


长沙意维设计咨询有限公司(FAR·O)是长沙首家外商合资的设计顾问有限公司,公司位于湖南省长沙市开福区北辰三角洲。我公司主营室内外装潢设计咨询、建筑设计咨询及景观设计咨询,自 2014 年成立以来,我公司致力于引进国外先进的设计理念,结合中国本土设计市场,将中西设计完美融合,呈现最真实、最适合中国的“西式设计”。



        The original layout is narrow and mostly developed in length, with a considerably lack of natural illumination on the bottom area. This was a challenge when it came to arrange the space properly. We decided to locate a living room on the bottom of the plot, in the darkest area. We introduced plenty of pendant lamps, dropping from a square bamboo ceiling as the space focus point. The result is that we turned the weakest point of the plot into the spotlight. That leads customers to sit there and find a comfortable place in the otherwise dead area.


       The same living room arrangement is displayed from the surface big glass window to the outside. The intent here is to live-stream the "Cafe' lifestyle" to people passing by. In this part of China where coffee drinking is still considered not a familiar habit, this works as an effective "shopping window". It both educates people to the Coffee Culture and invites them to walk inside for a cup of Coffee. 

        项目名称:101 café- FAR OFFICE


        项目面积:172 ㎡




